Feb 16, 2019
Larry Egan and John O'Rourke take homeowners' questions on a variety of topics. one caller's concern was about installing a window and the proper way to flash around it so there won't be any leaks. Also, a heating mystery results in the very simple replacement of a zone valve head that had begun to fail.
Feb 16, 2019
Our painting expert, Sheldon Stewart of Stewart Painting, joins the show on this episode of The Handyman Hotline. Sheldon reports in on Stewart Painting's latest D.I.Y. class where homeowners can learn the tricks of the trade for painting their own kitchen cabinets, shutters and more!
Feb 14, 2019
Rich Capen of Capewide Enterprises joins the show to lend his expertise in the world of septic systems-the biggest part of our homes that we never see! We know that fog can be dangerous while driving, but it's also dangerous to septic systems. FOG (fats, oils and grease) can build up in the waste pipes of the house...
Feb 14, 2019
Today Larry, John and Armen of Corey & Corey the Roofers discussed a wide variety of topics like the flu, the weather, power outages, Patriots playoff games and something else. Hmm...what was it...oh yeah, home repairs!!